The debate over whether porn addiction is real or not is still a hotly debated topic, even amongst experts on the subjects of both addiction and pornography, while some say that addiction to porn is a very serious societal problem, others say watching other people having sex online can be part of a healthy sex diet.
While most people think that addition to porn only affects affects adult men and teenage boys, a large amount of pornography, especially lesbian porn is consumed by women, this is probably because it is less extreme than male/female porn and girl/girl porn is usually the first genre of porn that women start viewing.
The concern is that lots of teens, who are under the age of 18 are gaining access to hardcore porn and getting hooked on it, and it is effecting their perception of how real life sexual relationships show work, this, however is also disputed, as although they may be young and have little sexual experience, can tell the difference between sex scenes acted out online and real life relationships.
The majority of research in to porn addiction has been with male subjects and how it affects their expectations of how females should act/perform in relationships as most porn portrays women in a submissive role. Little research has been conducted in to female consumption of lesbian pornography and how it does (or does not) affect their perceptions of lesbian sexual relationships.
Firstly you need to ask yourself IF you are actually addicted to lesbian porn. Do you NEED to watch it everyday, or do you just ENJOY watching it everyday? Do you forgo real sexual encounters to watch lesbian porn instead? Can you masturbate and climax without porn?
However, if you are concerned that you might be addicted to watching lesbian porn there are some steps you can take to limit what you might consider harmful.
1. Get yourself educated. A lot of people believe that porn addiction is brought about by too much need for sex or a very high sex drive. The truth is that there are a lot of possible causes for it. One is hormonal imbalance. The brain works in such a way that it craves for something. It then creates cravings to satisfy it. Other reasons for the problem include emotional instability and spiritual disconnection. When you know the causes of your addiction, you will know the best possible means to break porn addiction.
2. Talk it over. There will always be the feeling that you will be ostracized, ridiculed, or judged once you talk about your porn addiction to someone, such as your family or friend. However, when you want to break porn addiction, you definitely need all the help that you need from them. If you think that you are not ready to discuss the problem with them, you can approach a counselor or therapist instead. You can rely on their expertise in the field.
3. Establish controls. You can also start to break porn addiction by establishing controls that will limit your exposure to pornographic materials. For example, you may want to download Internet filters that will block pornographic websites. You can also cut your cable TV, where you can watch pornographic programs and movies. Moreover, you can stay away from bars and massage parlors, where you can find more pornographic materials. The same is true if your child or someone in your family is currently suffering from porn addiction.
4. Join support groups. There are a lot of support groups that you run to when you want to break porn addiction. One of these is Sex Anonymous. It works like Alcoholics Anonymous, where sufferers of porn addiction go through a 12-step process to completely eliminate the problem from his life. The focus is not only physical healing but also emotional and psychological transformation. This approach should however only be considered once you have a professional diagnosis of porn addiction.
There are also support groups that you can find online. They are excellent for those who want to maintain their anonymity. They also function like the usual organizations you see in your locality. You would normally communicate with professionals and other sufferers through a message board.
5. Increase your outdoor activities. When you want to break porn addiction, it is then time to develop other activities that can take you away from porn sources as far as possible. You can go mountain or rock climbing, enrol in a gym, travel with your friends or family, or seek solace in quiet places.
Though porn addiction is a serious problem, just enjoying porn on a regular basis does not mean you are a porn addict. Just like having a healthy work/life balance, you also need to have a healthy porn/sex life balance, you can start right from home, by developing some online controls, try and limit your consumption of lesbian porn to just an hour a day and take a break a few day a week. You can also divert your energy to activities that are more productive and not related to porn.